Peace of Easter to You

Happy Easter

At this time of remembering of Christ’s passion and resurrection, may we remind ourselves that we are human created in God’s image. We ought to be christlike in our thoughts and actions be it in our homes or workplaces/schools.

As Christ carried His cross even till death may we carry ours with peace and in resignation to God’s will. May the risen Lord visit you and your family.

Wishing you all a happy easter celebration.
May God bestow on you the gift of His peace.
May your hearts be filled with blessings and deepest calm that never cease.

On a different note, was there anything you gave up during the lent? I do not mean chocolates this time. For example, giving up habitual sins and telling lies among others.

Do guide your spiritual life. Be humble before God.

Happy Easter again.

Spiritual life Is Important Too

Grateful heart ♥️

It is still January and a lot of things we do can pave way for a better and greater remainder of the year. 
If you are the praying type, have you embarked on any form of special prayer to commit the entire year into Gods hands? If the answer is no, its never too late. Maybe, this is the reminder you need. 
Just like we set goals for personal or career development, our spiritual lives should not be left behind. This is essential as it has a unique way of helping us stay focused and enables us pick up what is left when life challenges happen. 
I believe that certain personal achievements do not happen by chance as we earnestly work hard to accomplish them. Similarly, same zeal should be applied to our spiritual live and growth. Also, consistency in prayer habit is required too. Trust me, our spiritual lives can be likened to the foundation of a house. I know you would not want a shaky or unbalanced foundation.
Sometimes, what we need is to have a prayer partner or prayer group that aids in boosting our prayer life. It is more like someone giving you a helping hand and you can actually be accountable for your progress. For me, it’s a prayer group. I have learnt a lot by mere joining of a special prayer group filled with people who are hungry for God. I appreciate their great work because on my own I wouldn’t have come this close to where I am today. I am still on the journey😊
If you are interested in knowing more about the prayer group, what they do or how to join, do feel free to contact me. More so, I am open to discuss further and provide support, if need be. 
For my new readers, please do subscribe to my blog. I cover various topics such as life experiences, motivation, health, religion. Look around to see various contents.
Do place God above all things🙏🏼
Lets grow together 

Giving Alms

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Hi Friends, I want to remind us today about giving alms. I know it’s something we are all aware of.

However, my question to you today is “when was the last time you helped the poor?”

Is it something of the past?

Are you aware they poor people still exist?

Are you aware that you are better off than some people?

Are you aware of those around you who are in need of one want or the other?

Have you been a victim where you feel cheated and think you do not need to cater for the needy anymore?

Remember the we ought to do good always, regardless.

Only our heavenly father who sees in the secret will reward us.

We are all in a battle to be better humans and greater versions of ourselves.

We need Gods grace, else we cannot do much on our own.

Do you remember the bible that says that giving alms covers multitude of sins?

The bible verse above adds that this kind act of generosity should be done in secret. We live in the era of social media when everything appear to be better publicised. However, as humans we should know what is expected of us at all time.

We shouldn’t be quick to please humans, feed our ego and displease God. Thereby, blocking the blessings that awaits us.

All in all, do good and give alms to the poor.

Sending you God’s blessings.


Happy 59th Independence Day Nigeria

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Coat of arms Nigeria

Independence is very important in every nation. Nothing can be compared to freedom. We are no more slaves to anyone or any masters.

Our country Nigeria 🇳🇬 will be great. We need to be hopeful and make it work. We seek greener pastures outside leaving our own to perish. We need to make it better. Our ancestors had hoped same and we are still hoping.

Time will tell. Nigeria 🇳🇬 will be great. Let us work hard towards it. Let us continue to pray for it (I know we do). Some day, it will be better.

Having said that, there are people who are living very comfortable lifestyles in Nigeria just that there is a huge gap between the poor and the rich in our country. With good leaders who will pave way for a better Nigeria, the gap would be greatly reduced.

If only we can put half of the energy we invest in criticising our country in making it better.

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National Anthem and The Pledge

Oh God of creation

Pllease direct our noble cause

Guide our leaders right

Help and empower our youths

In love and honesty to grow

And living just and true

May we attain great lofty heights

And build a nation where peace

and justice shall reign🙏🏼

May God bless Nigeria 🇳🇬


Source: YouTube images

It is very important that our thoughts are positive most of the times. Positivity entails having an optimistic attitude and approach towards any situation. This greatly impact on one’s thoughts and actions and yield better results.

I want to share this quote with you.

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Rumi.

I want to encourage everyone to believe in themselves.

There might be times when we doubt ourselves and want to give up.

It shouldn’t be so.

Remain positive.

Remember, joy comes in the morning.

Let’s feel challenged.

Let’s use our Gods given talents.

Be positive.

It is doable and achievable.

Time will tell.

Be persistent with your goals.

Remain positive.

Be positive and productive. If you like this post, do feel to comment in the comment section below.

How Do You Measure Your Quality of Life?

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I was very opportune to witness a divinely-led preaching last Sunday. Two weeks ago,  I attended a bible conference where I made a few friends and eventually joined their online chat forum.

It happened that someone had put up a a post about 2pm mass by some charismatic Nigerian Priests, I thought to myself, why not? That was how I got there. I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am to have attended that.

The preaching Centred on:  Does your external observances as a Christian correlate with your inner self?

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As Christians, there are articles or symbols that are part of us, they include the crucifix, medals, holy bible, rosary, scapula, holy water, anointing oils, etc. Others include the sign of the cross, genuflecting before the holy Eucharist, bowing before the cross amongst others acts.

Amongst all these, our external observances should be prompted from the interior.

There should be no discrepancy between our physical rituals and our spiritual lives.

Both should be in agreement and serve as a measure to the quality of our lives. The quality of our lives should be the sign that people see.

What use is it that we appear so religious but our hearts harbours evil and our attitudes very rebellious?

What happens when we are angered and flare up? Are we not at those times required to be an examplary Christian?

This is hardly the case.

As Christians, at any stage of our lives, we have symbols, uniforms that we are identified with, be you a youth, catholic men or women, priest or nun. Our uniform is our identity.

The Pharisees and believed in mere physical rituals like not washing hands before eating but God seeks more from our hearts.

Are you being Christlike in your encounter with people?

We live in a word were the society sanctions various actions that are clearly condemned in the bible. When society approves of an act does it get erased in the bible? The answer is no.

The scripture further says that there are acts that defiles a man (women included😄) : fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, pride and folly.

The modern world 🌍 approves fornication( the number one God condemns) and indecency.

Is the word indecency any meaningful in this generation?

God urged us to obey his commandments and do not cling to mere human traditions.

Nothing that goes into a man can make him unclean only that which comes from within; e.g, grudges, hatred, jealousy, envy, evil plots and thoughts. All of such aforementioned acts are from within and they defile a man.

This message is drawn from Mark chapter 7 in the holy bible. The bible can be a perfect present 💝 too.

To sum it up, we should be strive to be exemplary Christians. When the society approves but the bible disapproves. It remains a capital “no”. May our lifestyles and physical observances be Christlike and come from within.


I’m a work in progress, we are in this Christlike journey together. Do feel free to contact me. I am a catholic as you could see in my various examples but I believe there is a message for everyone who believes in God😄

Remain Blessed


Do not be deceived by ‘Love’

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Love is one of the commonest words we’ hear. For instance, someone must have said to you, “I love you” or you must had heard people express their love for each other.

I have learnt that we should love another especially for the fact that we are all created in the image of God.

Regardless, lots of people have been deceived by the word Love. I have close friends who have been hurt, deceived or betrayed by someone who they loved simply because they have believed that nothing would go wrong by the mentioning of Love.

This shouldn’t be happening but sadly, it does happen. There are people who in my opinion have either lost their mind or simply have no conscience because of the way they treat their fellow human beings. The rate at which lives have been ruined by the the usage of the word love is appalling.

I am not saying we shouldn’t believe people who profess Love to us but I want us to love sensibly. I know they say when you are in love you don’t think well or reason properly. Guys, it’s just like saying thinking with your head and and not be carried away by emotions.

I know it’s good to be in love and trust me, it’s one of the best feelings in the world. However, I urge you to guide your heart ❣, look after it and make sure that the person you trust with it knows the true value.

Finally, whatever you do, do love sensibly. I hope your love brings you true happiness.

If you like this post, you will like my book Happiness At Last.