The Beauty of the Season of Lent

Lent is a time to reflect more, fast and pray more. You commit all that bothers you and the remainder of the year to God.

Hope you have been well and good?

How has the past weeks been for you?

It’s the last week in lent and I want to remind you of the beauty of this season. 

As it gradually comes to an end, it is important that we reflect, pray and mend our ways with God.

May we trust God with all that bothers us.

This is the time to strengthen our relationship with Him.

Try fasting. It works wonders.

Fast and pray. Cry into God if you have to.

Pray like you depend on Him.

It is a good time of the year too as you can be rest assured the remainder of the year has been taken care of spiritually.

If you struggle with time for church or lone time? Then use YouTube.

You can watch and participate in the stations of the cross.

The a decade of the rosary don’t last more than 15minutes.

It is a common practice to fast and pray mainly on Wednesdays and Fridays during Lent, are you doing that?

Are you joining your brethren in this communal and powerful practice?

I recalled when I almost has ulcer, I refrained from going to anyone to avoid them giving me unwanted diagnosis☺️

You can watch on TV too.

What’s your excuse now?

For for all that concerns you.

Pray for your family.

Pray for all that you care about.

Pray for all you want to achieve.

Ask and the universe listens.

May the God who knows all and sees all grant all your heart desires 🙏🏽

Have a blessed holy week

Easter Triduum starts tomorrow.

God is Love ❤️

Love yourself.

Look out for your soul.

May this coming Easter celebration meet you at the point of your needs.

If you like this post, please comment, share and subscribe to my blog.

Let’s grow together


Do Not Mislead Others

I was having a chat with a friend the other day before you know it we were talking about clubbing. Boom! Is clubbing a sin or not, came up.

Here is the thing, in the club, no one praises God or dances to glorify God. People are almost naked or wear revealing clothes. Nothing Godly happens in that environment. I’m I lying?

People get drunk, drugged and all sorts. The drink and substances take the blame for consequent actions; regardless of whether they are intentional or not. Let’s assume the later.

I will like to remind us that none of those acts are limited to clubbing alone because they can be done inside and outside the club too.

At a point in our conversation, she was like “ I can go there just to watch, I don’t drink or smoke, just to have fun with friends that’s it.”

“Hey! That’s not a fellowship Sis.” I responded.

Do you know just watching can be a form of sin on its own. You heard me. It is a sin to watch certain contents, watching such can equally lead to sin.

Sin is sin regardless of how you rationalise it. That you involve in certain acts you feel it is ok to do does not make it any thing less of a sin.

Similarly, few years ago, that was how I found myself discussing with several people who think it is ok to be pregnant before marriage. Like, I had these conversations with different men and women. Seriously, how do you play God?

Ok, you eventually have twin pregnancy, does that validate marriage?
Now, fertility expert with a baby! Have you heard of secondary infertility? What if that child (s) dies? Please, lets have the right mindset and a good foundation. Always, place God above all things.

When things don’t feel right, they are not right. For instance,

Just like one can intentionally lie

Just like one can intentionally fornicate

Just like one can intentionally commit adultery

Just like one can intentionally exploit people. The list is endless.

If you find yourself guilty of certain sins, seek help, read the scripture, guard your heart, know those you mingle with. Be disciplined. These things can not be over emphasised. Guard your soul. Join a prayer group to lift your soul; you need help to get better.

However, no matter what the situation is, desist from encouraging others to follow your steps or mask your actions. That you find yourself regularly committing same acts of sin does not purify it or makes it pleasing to God.

That you have been guilty of an act doesn’t mean can not preach it.

When you pray, do ask for the gift of discernment.

Remember, God is spirit. So, you do not know your case in the spiritual world.

Please, if you read some of my posts and feel concerned, you can directly reach out to me here or on different social media platforms. If it affects you that means my writing is relevant as I write about lives and you are human.

Disclaimer: I am on journey to be a better person and serve God better. I am a sinner. The fact that I sin does not make me twist God’s word to suit me. Sin is sin regardless.

May God help us🙏🏼

Let’s grow together


Keep Trusting God

Most times, it is only when we are a step away to achieve that massive gamechanger that we begin to envisage doubts. This is a very common occurrence and has stopped lots of people from attaining greater heights.

You have spent time, sweat, sacrificed for this very goal only to give up now? It is mid year and you are questioning what you have achieved so far. People around you can show a thing or two they have aced this year but not you.

The social media isn’t helping too. People post their success stories left right and center, even it’s mere studio pictures. Do not be deceived. My Dear, mere being alive and reading this post is something. Look around you, there are many things you can celebrate and post too, if you wish.

Stay focused. You are unique and the best version of yourself. Prioritise your needs. You will achieve your target. Take those steady and consistent actions. Do not give up.

Give no room negativity such as:

Is this worth doing anymore?

Can I forge ahead?

What will happen in the long run if this and that and the other goes wrong?

At times, it appears as if we have forgotten how far we have come. How much we have laboured.

How we have longed for such a time. How much we have sacrificed or let go of.

Can I ask you, why doubt God now?

Since when do you really need to have it all figured out?

I KNOW you do not always have it all figured out.

Simply take that bold step and leave the rest to God.

Just keep trusting and believing in God.

Let’s grow together


Happy Christmas 2020

Merry Christmas 🎄 Friends😊

May the celebration of Christ’s birth bring you and your family great joy.

Thank God for this opportunity for 2020 Christmas. It wasn’t possible for so many while some are still struggling to have food on their tables.

May today’s celebration fill your heart 💜 with hope, love for humanity and God’s exceeding grace.

May it renew your path to virtue.

May it rekindle your faith in God.

Do have a blessed festive period.

Happy Christmas 🎄

***My previous post on Christmas can be found here.

Feeding Our Souls

Changing of water into wine 🍷 at Cana.

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Hi friends,  hope you are all good and staying safe? Permission to digress, I was having an intriguing conversation with someone the other day and the entire chat took a different dimension  when she asked one question.  

The call conversation was about chritianity, christ teachings, what is expected of us. 
She asked ‘’why do you catholics worship mary? It is no where in the bible?”  
I told her that we simply honour the mother of Jesus. I mentioned the first miracle of Jesus – where he turned water  💦 into wine 🍷. It was all driven by his mother, mary. That implies that we can get to Jesus through mary. 
The entire verse goes this way:

Lets read the scripture together John 2.

I gave her other illustrstions and applied same to real life. There are cases where you  can easily reach out to someone or get a favour done by going through their mother. 
She eventually agreed with me.
I was quite pleased that I had facts and was able to discuss that with her. Trust me, this woman knows her bible so well, I wish I’m somewhat that good too with the scriptures. 
However, as a Legionary I know a lot about mother mary. Unfortunately, for years now I have found my mself in places where Legion of Mary doesn’t exist. Currently, I’m a Vincentian which is not active in my local either. You cannot compare the two though. 
Hey! I’m trying to rekindle in us the energy needed for our spiritual life and spiritual growth. We need to pray like warriors and take charge of our lives. 
On a good note, I recently found a charismatic online prayer group which has been a blessing to me lately. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have learnt from these amazing people. They give a deeper and meaningful interpretation to bible verses I already know. I find them very supportive. Some people are truly working for God. God bless them🙏🏼
If you want to discuss more about any aspects of this post, do contact me. I occasionally post religious blogs. Feel to peruse the blog. For similar posts, notify me in the comment section and subscribe to this blog. 
Do have a great day and a beautiful September. 
Lets grow together. 
@ Viviensvoice

Giving Alms

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Hi Friends, I want to remind us today about giving alms. I know it’s something we are all aware of.

However, my question to you today is “when was the last time you helped the poor?”

Is it something of the past?

Are you aware they poor people still exist?

Are you aware that you are better off than some people?

Are you aware of those around you who are in need of one want or the other?

Have you been a victim where you feel cheated and think you do not need to cater for the needy anymore?

Remember the we ought to do good always, regardless.

Only our heavenly father who sees in the secret will reward us.

We are all in a battle to be better humans and greater versions of ourselves.

We need Gods grace, else we cannot do much on our own.

Do you remember the bible that says that giving alms covers multitude of sins?

The bible verse above adds that this kind act of generosity should be done in secret. We live in the era of social media when everything appear to be better publicised. However, as humans we should know what is expected of us at all time.

We shouldn’t be quick to please humans, feed our ego and displease God. Thereby, blocking the blessings that awaits us.

All in all, do good and give alms to the poor.

Sending you God’s blessings.


Happy 2020

Image source: Facebook user

Hi my Lovelies, I wish you all a beautiful and blessed 2020.

May all that troubles you be resolved this year,

May you feel motivated,

May you be inspired to exploit new ideas,

May you not be quick to quit,

May your days be long,

May you not grow weary in going good

Lots of love


Why Worry?

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I wish the phrase ” why worry” can be that easy to comprehend. Sincerely, most times I ask myself why worry when you can pray. Does that ring a bell? Do you know that song? I used to sing it a lot growing up when I had no clue what it meant but now the reverse is the case.

I believe in God and I’m fully aware of how powerful prayers can be. It’s ok for one to desire something, pray ( ask God in prayer) for it and maybe get it or it doesn’t happen exactly when we wanted it or it doesn’t happen at all. That doesn’t mean we are abandoned.

God works in in mysterious and marvellous ways and his ways are different from ours and can be beyond human understanding. Nonetheless we need to put all our hope in God.

Worrying kills, they say. That means that worrying over something or a situation can be detrimental to an individual’s physical or mental being or both. Instead, it is much better for one to focus on some thing that brings one joy and gradually find a coping mechanism or plan for any specific challenge.

Always remember, Nothing lasts forever. Better still, no condition is permanent. Any thing that has a beginning will definitely have an end.

Friends, leave it to God in prayers. Talk to Him, ask, beg, cry; whichever that communicates your concern the most.

God does not fail His people.

N.B .

I have missed posting regularly but I always remember my blogging community and loyal readers. God bless you all🙏🏼

Expect Nothing from Others

In my recent conversation with a few friends, I have realised that most times the problem is not always the issue. Our mindset goes long way to impact our actions and their various outcomes.

Let’s say you expect nothing from someone and they give you some money or gift items, you’d appreciate them but if you already believe they ought to give you certain amount of things and at a given time, I suppose the perception won’t be same.

I know it can be a difficult habit to break but I can tell from my experience that’s it is much better when you expect nothing from anyone and appreciate all that comes your way.

We are all faced with different challenges and have no clue what the other person is going through. Let be supportive of another and show appreciation. Besides, it’s even much better and rewarding to give than to receive, the scripture supports that too.

To sum it up, unbiased mindset is a great tool for longevity and a stress free lifestyle. Live and let live.

Thanks for reading my posts.

Do comment, I will like to know your thoughts.

Do not be deceived by ‘Love’

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Love is one of the commonest words we’ hear. For instance, someone must have said to you, “I love you” or you must had heard people express their love for each other.

I have learnt that we should love another especially for the fact that we are all created in the image of God.

Regardless, lots of people have been deceived by the word Love. I have close friends who have been hurt, deceived or betrayed by someone who they loved simply because they have believed that nothing would go wrong by the mentioning of Love.

This shouldn’t be happening but sadly, it does happen. There are people who in my opinion have either lost their mind or simply have no conscience because of the way they treat their fellow human beings. The rate at which lives have been ruined by the the usage of the word love is appalling.

I am not saying we shouldn’t believe people who profess Love to us but I want us to love sensibly. I know they say when you are in love you don’t think well or reason properly. Guys, it’s just like saying thinking with your head and and not be carried away by emotions.

I know it’s good to be in love and trust me, it’s one of the best feelings in the world. However, I urge you to guide your heart ❣, look after it and make sure that the person you trust with it knows the true value.

Finally, whatever you do, do love sensibly. I hope your love brings you true happiness.

If you like this post, you will like my book Happiness At Last.