Mid-Year Check-In: Are You on Track With Your Goals?

Time to pause and check how your year has been so far

It is that time of the year again. We have reached the midpoint of the year, it’s the perfect time to pause, reflect, and evaluate our progress towards our goals. The goals we set at the beginning of the year may have felt ambitious and full of promise, but now is the moment to assess where we stand.

Let’s take a look at the importance of conducting a mid-year check-in and provide insights on how to realign and refocus to ensure you stay on track with your goals.

Vivien Ayinotu on a Sunday after church.

1. Reflect on Your Initial Goals

Start by revisiting the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Take a moment to review what you wanted to achieve and why those goals were important to you. Reflect on the progress you have made thus far, celebrating any accomplishments along the way. Acknowledge any areas where you may have fallen short and consider the reasons behind it. This reflection will provide a clear understanding of where you stand today.

2. Evaluate Your Progress

Once you have a clear picture of your initial goals, it’s time to evaluate your progress. Assess the milestones you have reached and the actions you have taken towards your goals. Look for patterns or trends that may have emerged. Consider the obstacles or challenges you encountered and how you overcame them. This evaluation will help you identify what has been working well and what areas may require adjustment or additional effort.

3.Reassess and Prioritize

After evaluating your progress, it’s essential to reassess your goals and priorities. Are your initial goals still relevant and aligned with your current aspirations? Consider whether circumstances or priorities have shifted throughout the year. You may find that some goals need to be modified, replaced, or even discarded. Be honest with yourself about what truly matters to you and where you want to direct your focus for the remainder of the year.

4. Break Down Your Goals

If you discover that you are off track with your goals, don’t be discouraged. Break down your goals into smaller and actionable steps. This approach allows you to create a roadmap that guides your actions moving forward. By breaking down your goals, you make them more manageable and increase your chances of success. Each small step you take brings you closer to the ultimate achievement.

5. Create a Plan and Set Milestones

With your refined goals in mind, it’s time to create a plan of action. Outline the specific steps you need to take to reach your goals and set realistic deadlines for each milestone. Make sure your plan is flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or potential roadblocks. By having a well-defined plan, you gain clarity and focus, making it easier to stay on track and measure your progress.

6. Seek Accountability and Support

Accountability plays a crucial role in achieving our goals. Share your revised goals and action plan with someone you trust—a friend, family member, or mentor—who can provide support and hold you accountable. Regular check-ins with your accountability partner can help you stay motivated and on course. Additionally, consider joining a community or group of like-minded individuals who share similar goals. The collective support and shared experiences can be incredibly empowering.

7. Stay Focused and Adapt

As you continue your journey towards your goals, it’s important to stay focused and committed. However, be prepared to adapt as needed. Life is dynamic, and circumstances may change unexpectedly. Embrace flexibility and be willing to adjust your plans if necessary. Remember that progress is not always linear, and setbacks or detours can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.


The midpoint of the year presents an ideal opportunity to assess an individual’s progress, realign goals, and refocus efforts. By reflecting on initial goals, evaluating your progress, reassessing and prioritizing, breaking down goals, creating a plan, seeking accountability and support, and staying adaptable it enables one to make the most of remainder of the year. Use this mid-year check-in as a springboard for renewed motivation and determination to achieve the goals that matter most to an individua. It’s never too late to course-correct and make significant strides towards your aspirations.

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Key Things To Do To Ascertain A Productive Year

Nothing that good happens by chance all the time. Have plans and make the most of your year. Try the things mentioned and be proud of yourself.

We are already in the second month of the year. Isn’t it amazing how a month some days are already gone?

Some of us are yet to figure out what to do or to expect this year. So, how has the year been so far for you?

Most times, some people will be quick to say “I do I don’t do new year resolutions.” That’s ok if you feel like saying so.

However, does that mean you do not have any expectation(s) for the year? Are there no targets you want to hit in an entire year?

I believe one can achieve a lot only when they have painstakingly thought about them and then work towards them. Not everything is to be left to chance.

There are things I will recommend you do for a  productive year. This isn’t in any way an exhaustive list and is in no particular order.

1. Read books:

There is no limit to the amount of knowledge you can gain. Gaining more knowledge is an empowering tool. You want to be versed in the field you are in. Be intentional about the books you read too. Ensure you have inspirational books and success books handy.

Read biographies of successful people you admire or those you consider as your role models. Feed your brain with the kind of knowledge it deserves.

2. Learn a skill:

This can be a digital skill preferably. There are a lot to learn. You need to take up something new. Challenge yourself.
If you have been doing something on a low key, up your game now. Take up both free and paid courses. Look up courses that aligns with that the things you are currently doing and those you want to explore.

3. Have multiple sources of income:

Do not be dependent on one job only for your earnings. Little income from here and there can help offset some bills. Explore many ideas and opportunities that present themselves. If you are online most times, do try affiliate marketing. You get to learn in the process too and possibly build your own brand afterwards if you wish. Explore remote job sites like Fiverr, Upwork and Appen.

4. Cryptocurrency:

Do some reading and begin buying some coins. The world is evolving and so should you to. Take up courses especially if you are interested in trading. You can start with exploring exchanges such as Binance, kucoin, and coinbase. Otherwise, you can buy some coins with prospects and hold onto them (hodl). If you have the money go for all time highs like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. They can be bought in fractions too. Do not trade with urgent money like rent or school fees. Trading can be risky. Please, do your own research.

5. Be more visible on social media:

Try to promote yourself of what you do on different media platforms. Try to be very active on at least one of them. Be intentional about your time online. If you are a vendor or want to explore any line of business or freelance, do post about it and gradually build your brand. Different businesses, brands, authors and celebrities have been using this to gain more followers and influence. Try this for yourself.

6. Heal:

This isn’t applicable to everybody but to many. If there’s is something that has been bothering you, embrace it. You can confide in a counsellor or a priest. Speak to someone who wouldn’t judge you. You need to free yourself. There isn’t anything that has never been heard before. Do this for your overall well-being and peace of mind. Be at peace with yourself.

7. Pray in and out of season:

I cannot write all these without mentioning prayer. Have a good praying habit. This is important especially,  you are the religious type. Master the act of committing all that concerns you in God’s hands. Pray for your family and friends, for your work and life goals. Prayers come with some kind of hope and peace; even when you face challenges.

For the religious types, write down all your goals. You can paste the list on your wall where you can easily see it. This can be replicated same on a vision board too.

In summary, a productive year begins with a plan, right mindset on hope to achieve them.

I hope you find this post valuable.

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