Do Not Overthink Your Situation Than It Already Is

Do not give up yet. God is still God.

I want to dedicate this post to those that are currently experiencing hard times.

To those that situations make them wonder if God truly exist.

To those who have concluded that God is partial.

To those that only experience agony.

To those that have gone from one trying moment to another and is not ending soon.

To those that found themselves in a hopeless situation.

To that flood their pillows at night.

To that that truly want God to prove that He still exist in their lives.

Guess what?

I want you all to know that even when it appears all bleak that God truly does exists.

I can agree with you that the doubt is there.

However, GOD IS STILL GOD and exists.

There is no situation bigger than God.

God is for all.

He is not partial.

Your situation will turn around.

Hang in there.

Seek His face the more.

Chances are He is preparing you for the unforseen future.

Do not over think your situation more than it already is.

I pray God come through for you sooner than imagined.

May this month of June bless you with more than you had imagined 🧡

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The Top 10 Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

Exercise is good for you.

I know you have heard this a couple of times but the truth remains that one needs to exercise for optimal health. Regular exercise is a crucial part of maintaining good health and preventing disease. From improving cardiovascular health to increasing muscle strength and flexibility, the benefits of regular exercise are numerous.

In this piece, we’ll explore the top 10 health benefits of regular exercise and how it can improve your overall well-being.

  1. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health. It helps to increase the strength and efficiency of the heart and blood vessels, which can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  1. Increases Muscle Strength and Flexibility: Regular exercise helps to build and maintain muscle mass, which can improve overall strength and flexibility. This can be especially beneficial for older adults, as muscle mass tends to decrease with age.
  1. Lowers the Risk of Chronic Diseases: Regular exercise can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It helps to control weight, lower blood sugar levels, and improve cholesterol levels.
  1. Improves Mental Health: Regular exercise can improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting feelings of happiness and self-esteem. It can also improve mood and cognitive function.
  1. Helps with Weight Management: Regular exercise can help with weight management by burning calories, building muscle mass, and improving metabolism.
  1. Improves Sleep Quality: Regular physical activity can improve sleep quality, including increasing the amount of deep sleep, reducing insomnia, and improving overall sleep efficiency.
  1. Increases Energy Levels: Regular exercise can increase energy levels by improving cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. It can also help to reduce fatigue and improve overall physical and mental well-being.
  1. Boosts Immune System: Regular exercise can boost the immune system, making the body better equipped to fight off infections and illnesses.
  1. Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair: Regular exercise can promote healthy skin and hair by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the skin and hair.
  1. Reduces Risk of Certain Cancers: Regular exercise can reduce the risk of certain cancers, including breast and colon cancer.

To sum it up, regular exercise has numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. From improving cardiovascular health to increasing muscle strength and flexibility, regular exercise should be a part of everyone’s daily routine.

By incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Whether it’s going for a walk, running, swimming, or playing a sport, make sure to include regular exercise in your daily routine for a healthier and happier you.

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Who Knows The Genuine Will of God?

Do you know what God wills for you?

Who knows God’s will?

Hello 😊

How have you been?  I had an interesting conversation with someone recently. As we discussed, the topic began to change slightly.

It was about how life happens to us most times. How we tend to accept things that come our way even when we wish some of them never happened.

They were of the strong opinion that praying for “God’s will” can be a form of weakness. More like a hopeless prayer.

People ought to know what they desire and ask God for it specifically.

Like you need to ask for:

  • What you want.
  • Be specific.

Personally, I haven’t seen it that way although I can understand their views.

I would normally think it means you know God’s will is always the best.

Then, we all know that we don’t even know what God wills for us.

There are things we need badly and they are yet to happen regardless of how often we have asked God for them.

Then again, God’s will happens regardless of whether we ask for them or not.

Do we even know God’s will for us …?

We learn everyday.

I guess we need to be very specific most times as He will always do His will.

One of the responses I got from a priest reads:

“No, I don’t think prayer governs God. Instead, prayer makes us to be disposed of God’s will. If our will aligns with God’s will, our petition goes our way. If our will is contrary to God’s will, God’s will happens. Prayer makes us to accept God’s will that is contrary to our will without much complaint. This does not mean that we cannot have a particular or specific intention in prayer.

Remember the prayer of Jesus at the garden of Gestimany (Luke 22:42), which should serve as our model of prayer. Jesus’ particular intention was that the father should take the cup of suffering away. However He ended by saying, not His will but God’s will be done. God’s will is for him to suffer and he did suffer. His prayer, nevertheless, strengthened Him.”

How can I not share  that beautiful write-up with you.

In addition, another comment reads:

“I think the statement on ‘being like a child’ to enter the Kingdom of God, could be referred to here. Trusting God like a baby would, his/her mum/dad, relying on what they decided is best, is the safest course of action. Blabbering about stuff you assumed is best for you rather than praising God and working hard to be in tune with Him, could lead to confusion, frustration and even mental health issues.

How do you know when to stop asking for more? Leaving your destiny in God’s hands does not imply endorsement of laziness, it means going about your business with a confidence for success and not in fear of failure. It means accepting defeat and disappointment without breaking down, because you believe you’re not entirely in charge. It’s a highly liberating way to live and operate. Of course, you have to be contented with the barest necessities, rather irrelevant lifestyle.”

Over to you…

What do you think?

Do have a blessed day ☺️If you like this post, please comment, share and subscribe to my blog.

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A Memorable Christmas Gift

Gifts are to be cherished. why don’t you give those that can last even longer?

Are you still wondering what Christmas present you can give?

Presents can be items that can last past the festive season.

Have you thought about family books or books that can make one feel at home?

Happiness At Last will make a great gift.

It can be a great read this holiday period too.

Besides, It will make a fantastic gift to your children this Christmas.

Get it for them and make their Christmas a memorable one.

Are you traveling home for Christmas?

Do you miss home?

Then, grab your copy.

Reading a good book can never be overemphasized. It is a way of relaxation while doing something you enjoy doing.

I’m passionate about Happiness at Last. I want you to read it. It promotes some of our valued african/Nigeria traditions.

Ikedinachi in his quest for a better life embarked on an adventurous and self discovery journey. What will happen to his better half; Ifeoma?

It explored the challenges they had in Nigeria and London.

Will the support from family make or break him?

I will stop here so that I don’t spill so much beans.

It is a family novel. If you are in diaspora, your kids will benefit from it too.

This book will make you feel like you are in motherland.

Let’s encourage the reading culture.

It can be bought as a gift too.

It is available as ebook and paperback on Amazon.

For more information click here.

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