Mid Year Gratitude

We are already in the half part of the year. I would like to think that we are all grateful to God for His exceeding love.

If you cannot think of anything, think of the gift of being alive; more time to seek God and make our paths great with Him.

Are you halfway through your to-accomplish goals for the year 2018?

Is it nearly done? Bravo!

Are you yet to take that giant step on the first goal? Not late at all Dear. So long as that zeal is there. You can act now.

I believe in having a plan and monitoring ones progress. Studies have it that reflection upon one’s activities fosters improvement.

For me, I’ve got a couple of ideas listed for the year. Let’s say I’m just halfway through. I need a boost too. Somehow, I have added to the list.

Globally, this has this year has been filled with all sorts of news; ranging from the Trump-Kim meeting, history-changing-royal -wedding, world-cup joy and tension to the recent tragedy in Nigeria. It’s unbelievable. Let’s in the course of our daily lives, show some love to another. It is indeed a small world, you don’t know what would happen next.

However, I am very grateful for even the tiniest of things I have achieved so far this year, be it in my personal life, career, blog community or social media; which includes you. Thank you🙏🏼

I hope you achieve all and more that you have mapped out for the year. Better still, may God’s will prevail.

Lots of love from Viviensvoice.

Believe in Yourself

Source: Justjulieann.com

Most times when it feels like  I need a loading dose of motivation, I remind myself of the saying  ” when the going gets tough the tough get going.

My purpose for this post is to encourage someone who truly has motives for potential goals; summon the courage, simply get started and you will see the rest fall into place.

I have been multitasking and juggling a lot in the past couple of days and that in a positive reminded me that one can achieve literally anything they set their mind on.

I do like challenges, especially the ones that bring out the best in me.

If you have plans and seem to be struggling with them, do not be so hard on yourself. It is perfectly normal. All you need to do is to clear your head and stick to the plan, do not give in to setbacks or unnecessary procrastination.

Do not wake up with a vision or dream for a better you and let it die, that thought happened for a reason. You can do it. Have you imagined that better version of you?

All you need to do is to take that first giant step and the rest will fall into place like a puzzle. Do ask for help and opinions; if need be. However, beware of people who give misleading advice.

I see the human brain as a computer; garbage in garbage out. Only when you push yourself you get a result. No action results to nothing. At times we encapsulate our talents; knowingly or unknowingly.

If you like this post, please share with your friends. Do subscribe to my blog to continually hear from me.

Do not be deceived by ‘Love’

Image Source: Disciplesofhope.wordpress.com

Love is one of the commonest words we’ hear. For instance, someone must have said to you, “I love you” or you must had heard people express their love for each other.

I have learnt that we should love another especially for the fact that we are all created in the image of God.

Regardless, lots of people have been deceived by the word Love. I have close friends who have been hurt, deceived or betrayed by someone who they loved simply because they have believed that nothing would go wrong by the mentioning of Love.

This shouldn’t be happening but sadly, it does happen. There are people who in my opinion have either lost their mind or simply have no conscience because of the way they treat their fellow human beings. The rate at which lives have been ruined by the the usage of the word love is appalling.

I am not saying we shouldn’t believe people who profess Love to us but I want us to love sensibly. I know they say when you are in love you don’t think well or reason properly. Guys, it’s just like saying thinking with your head and and not be carried away by emotions.

I know it’s good to be in love and trust me, it’s one of the best feelings in the world. However, I urge you to guide your heart ❣, look after it and make sure that the person you trust with it knows the true value.

Finally, whatever you do, do love sensibly. I hope your love brings you true happiness.

If you like this post, you will like my book Happiness At Last.

Sunshine Blogger Award

Source: Hannatu.blogspot.com

My sincere gratitude to Divinity for nominating me for the sunshine blogger award on 22nd Feb. 2018. She has a great blog where she shares amazing contents that aims at inspiring and motivating people. Do check her blog out.

Rules of Sunshine Blogger Award:

  1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the award and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Question and Answers:

  1. What things are you most grateful for in your life?

There are lots of things to be grateful for. To sum it up, I thank God for sparing my life.

  1. What is the story behind your blog’s name?

I have stories to tell, words to send across. So, Viviensvoice is simply my unique views on various topics.

  1. What food could you not live without?

Maybe, Rice.

  1. How has blogging changed your life?

It has exposed me to the virtual world. It has enabled reach out and connect with people of different continents. I wouldn’t have been able to do that physically. I have acquired more knowledge too.

  1. What are 3 random facts about yourself?

I pray more than you think, I can go days weeks without TV, I can pen down just anything.

  1. What do you hope to accomplish in 2018?

I already published my first novel Happiness At Last, I intend to start my next project before the year runs out.

  1. What do you do for writer’s block?

I normally write down ideas. So, when I’m stuck with one I take a break and go back to it, If still stagnant I change subject. There is always a draft to work on.

  1. What is your favorite place that you’ve visited?

Northampton, it’s so peaceful over there.

  1. How did you meet your best friend?

At work.

  1. Do you consider yourself a creative person?

I try. I think I’m a work in progress.

  1. Do you believe there is someone out there for everyone?

Yes. Definitely.

My Nominations:

  • Jennymarie4
  • Charlie
  • Philip Ruskins
  • Shape Fitness Trainer
  • Elganspo
  • Sandevictor
  • Sha
  • Sandsoftime10
  • JGomez
  • Annie
  • Ckennedyhola

I will like you all to answer same questions I have answered. I await to read your posts.

Lastly, many thanks Divinity for this brilliant opportunity. I appreciate.

Lent Duties

Source: Quotesgram.com

Lent is an important season in the life of any practising catholic. It’s time we mainly fast, pray and give alms. This period of the year is important to me as it arms me with the spiritual strength I need to survive the entire year.

There are  forty days in lent.  The Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Most catholics would try to go to church for the distribution of the ashes. Normally, I partake in the ash as the priest do distribute ashes Wednesday and Sunday. This time, I hoped for the same but it didn’t happen as I worked on Wednesday and there was no sign of the ash on Sunday.

Different articles have it that pastors in other churches distribute ashes in public places which is not a good norm. Ashes should be distributed only in the church as its significance be held in high esteem.

The lent period enables one to reflect on Christ’s sorrowful mystery and ask for God’s grace. More so, we are encouraged to forfeit something that we normally like during the Lenten season. It could be the smallest of things like: watching TV, eating chocolates among other things we can think of.

This period requires that  we eat less food as it boosts our spiritual life by not trying to satisfy all our needs. I have read severally that fasting and abstinence make the heart grow fonder. Isaiah 58 will give you a typical idea of the kind of fast that pleases God.

Of importance are the works of mercy. They enable us to live as Christ would want us to. There are spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Spiritual works involves: conversion of sinners, instructing the ignorant, counselling of the doubtful, comforting of the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving injuries, and praying for the dead. Similarly, corporal works of mercy are: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, harboring the stranger, visiting the sick, ministering the prisoners and burying the dead.

I have been behind this year in my Lenten attitude, so I have decided to buckle up now. I have observed the praying bit but not just on top on my other Lenten duties. I know it’s not too late. However, I do not think I am the only culprit. What about you?

More effort to you, if you are on the top of your Lenten duties but for those lagging behind like me, we can do it. Let do it.

I hope by reading this post we are made more aware of numerous ways we can keep ourselves accountable during this lenten season. Come Easter. May the lent season fill you with God’s love and graces.


I understand that I might have readers who are not Christians and would therefore found this post irrelevant. Thanks for your time.


                I came across a lovely poem about ‘Today’ and want to share it with you.

The best thing you have in this world is today

Today is your saviour

It is often crucified between two thieves

Yesterday and tomorrow

Most of our misery is left over

from yesterday or borrowed from tomorrow.

Whoever planned this life of ours did well

in giving us one day at a time.

Don’t let the past unman you,

benumb you with remorse,

weaken you with self contempt.

As for the future,

the best preparation for it is an unafraid today.

Today is yours.

God has given it to you.

All your yesterdays He has taken back;

All your tomorrows are still in His hands.

Today is yours,

Just a little strip of light between two darknesses.

Use it so that at close you can say:

“I have lived and loved today.

Source; Pixabay

The poem made me more aware of how time conscious and persistent one needs to be, especially when you are stuck in between two ‘thieves’.

Today is very special. Special because we live in it. We have to cherish and maximise our today because by the time we know it, there is another new day; tomorrow with it’s own challenges.

Why not do something meaningful today than look back and wonder or say ‘had I known better…’

Many have left with dreams yet to come true. Be productive today. Do not procrastinate.

Push yourself and maximise your today. It has no duplicate.

I hope you find this post very useful and inspirational.


My new book: Happiness At Last is available at Amazon, Authorhouse and in New Beacon Bookstore N4 London.

Vivien’s Voice – Truly Inspired #20

Hi Friends, I featured in a talented bloggers website. I had a great time answering his questions. You can read it here: Vivien’s Voice – Truly Inspired #20

My new book – Happiness At Last is out. It’s available in Amazon for purchase.

Thanks. See you on my next post.

Mystery Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the Mystery blogger award. In my entire time of blogging, this is my very first nomination. I am very pleased that someone had liked my blog  posts and thought it wise to recognize me. I am grateful to Siddharth Banga for making this post possible. He is a young talent with great vision and keen interest in international relations and politics. Do visit his blog and you will be amazed by his wealth of knowledge.

The rules of the award include:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  5. Answer the questions you were asked.
  6. Nominate 10 – 20 people & notify.
  7. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).

Three things about myself:

  1. Number ‘3’ is my favorite number.
  2. I love to spend some quality time alone. I really need it to function better.
  3. I hate bullying.

Questions I was asked:

1) If one day you had to choose between writing blogs online or getting them print as articles in a small newspaper, what would you choose and why?(readership of that newspaper company is very small)


I think it totally depends on which platform that means more audience. Since I already blog I will like to write for newspapers. I tried it a while ago but did not take it seriously.

2) What made you write blogs over here (WordPress?)


I have previous blogged on blogger but thought I should upgrade to WordPress. I must say the community here is a bonus as I never expected it.

3) Any sport you like or any other hobby?


I’m not into sports that much. I watch soccer when some big teams play , same is applicable to  table tennis. I love to listen to good soothing music.

4) If one day you woke up and found that you got 20,000 followers over a night, what would be your reaction?


I will be chuffed to bits to know that huge amount of people had connected with me. I will be really blown away.

5) What is your dream place to live in?


You know I haven’t thought of this lately. Let’s say a place filled with love and happiness, no negativity of the world; I will love to be there.

My nominees are:

  1. Elizabeth
  2. Patrick Stories
  3. Apple Rae
  4. King Taylor
  5. Shreya Jindal
  6. Gayathri
  7. Kunterblunt
  8. Kaylaann
  9. littlemisssunshine
  10. Yuule

Questions for my nominees:

  1. What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
  2. How often do you blog?
  3. Do you have a favorite book?
  4. What do you do when your are stressed?
  5. If you have the ability to change the world what would you do?

Finally, I had a great time answering and asking those questions. I thank my readers because this blog is growing every single day and I can’t do it all by by myself. A massive thank you to you all.

Excited Over Just One Reader

Source: Pixabay

The other day while I was at work I got into a conversation with a patient. I will refer to her as “Maria” in this post. For my new readers, I am a nurse by profession.

As we chatted, Maria nicely asked,

“Vivien what do you do in spare time? Hope you don’t mind me asking” she added.

“No. That’s fine.” I replied.

I read books but mainly write stories among other things.

“Are you a writer?” she keenly asked.

“No. Not yet, am finalizing my first novel which is out soonest.

She immediately became interested and asked me what the book was all about. In my book, I have included stories that my Mum had told me about how people have lived back in the sixties although the majority of the story is fiction. In fact, the former was the primary motive for the novel as I so much wanted to tell my future kids [I have one now though] how people have survived in the past centuries.  However, as the characters developed the story became more interesting and I decided I have to share it with the world.

Back to Maria, she was very touched to hear all that and told me how her father have asked her niece what she wanted from him during a family gathering and her response.

“Tell me the story of your life,” the little girl politely answered her grandpa.

Maria’s father was surprised to hear that but it turned to be the a cherished time for both of them as he shared most of his wonderful life memories with her.

Maria asked for my book’s title and wrote it down. She told me she will look for it in amazon and leave a review. I was blown away by her kind-heartedness and interest.

I was thrilled by mere someone’s genuine interest in a book that is yet to be published. She truly made my day. That day was stressful like most shifts but our conversation made it worth the while. I was happy, still happy about that encounter.

I was amazed because I realized I have somewhat promoted my book in the course of doing my professional duties; which was not intentional. Maria was very happy too as she said I was kind and one of the best nurses she has met in her entire years of going to the hospitals. What a compliment!

“Thank you” I said while my face glittered with smiles.

The book is out next month. I will keep you posted.

Who Likes Adversity?

Source: Ziglar.com

Adversity is marked by periods of misfortunes and distress. Studies have it that we experience lots of adversities in our lifetime.

Adversity has the potential to make one stronger. I came across a story of a lady who said that the challenges she had encountered at a very young age molded her into a hardworking person she has become.

You and I clearly know that no one likes hard times but they are inevitable. Sometimes when we look around, it looks like there are people who are more prone to adversity than others.

In my opinion, I would say try as much as you can to learn from difficult times. It is one of those situations you simply find yourself not that you would have chosen it; if it were down to you.

Be brave, and try to think 🤔 with you head, push your emotions aside. Remember that they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. In addition, it is not permanent; meaning it’s only a phase that will soon disappear.

More so, you are not the first to be in such situation and will not be the last. Take a deep breath. Be grateful to God for sparing your life.

I hope you enjoy this post. See you on my next one.