Giving Alms

Last Updated on 30/08/2020 by Vivien Ayinotu

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Hi Friends, I want to remind us today about giving alms. I know it’s something we are all aware of.

However, my question to you today is “when was the last time you helped the poor?”

Is it something of the past?

Are you aware they poor people still exist?

Are you aware that you are better off than some people?

Are you aware of those around you who are in need of one want or the other?

Have you been a victim where you feel cheated and think you do not need to cater for the needy anymore?

Remember the we ought to do good always, regardless.

Only our heavenly father who sees in the secret will reward us.

We are all in a battle to be better humans and greater versions of ourselves.

We need Gods grace, else we cannot do much on our own.

Do you remember the bible that says that giving alms covers multitude of sins?

The bible verse above adds that this kind act of generosity should be done in secret. We live in the era of social media when everything appear to be better publicised. However, as humans we should know what is expected of us at all time.

We shouldn’t be quick to please humans, feed our ego and displease God. Thereby, blocking the blessings that awaits us.

All in all, do good and give alms to the poor.

Sending you God’s blessings.


Let’s catch up

Hello! From this end😊

Hello Friends, it feels like we are having separation anxiety. How have you been? 

What have you been up to? Please, let’s catch up in the comment section. 
I was on an extended deserving holiday – all thanks to covid-19 lockdown. Returned to UK and have just settled into a new job. 
I mean all of that and other personal things life can throw to you. 
I will like to know how you have fared this period. Luckily, being a healthcare staff and working with the NHS I still have a job. 
In the meantime, I believe better days are ahead. There is always a way-out when situations appear bleak. 
I wanna read from you. You are all in my thoughts. 
Lot of love