Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award

Last Updated on 07/04/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


I was honoured to be nominated for the brotherhood of the world bloggers award on the 23rd of Feb. 2018. I am very grateful to Avni for this very special award. Do check her page for creative contents on religion, humanity and karma. You really need to see the posts of this young talent. In addition, she has a great sense of humour.


1.Thank the blogger who nominated you and post link to his/her blog.

  1. List the rules of the award and post a picture of the award.

  2. Answer the questions from your nominator.

  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers and be sure to let them know.

  4. Write a list of questions of your nominees to answer.

Question and Answers.

1.What is your aim in life?

I believe we are all wonderfully created to make a difference . I would love to use my talents more to help others.

2. What is the definition of success according to you?

I think that we all need to work really hard believing God to crown our efforts with success.

3.How you rate yourself as a blogger?

Would  say I’m a work in progress.

4.You remember your first date?

Yes, I do remember.

5.If you have to cook one day what dish you will prepare?

I cook often, maybe this question does not apply to me.

6.From where you get your strength?

It comes mainly from God, then my life experiences and people’s stories.

My Nominees:

  1. Daniel Nang
  2. Oddmadland
  3. Glaiza Binayas
  4. Vaishnavi
  5. Praya
  6. Umaverma12
  7. Kumar Shresth
  8. Rohan Gandhi
  9. Russel june
  10. Timesoflion.

My Questions:

Please answer the same questions that I answered.

Finally, Thank you for reading this post and your continuous support.

Happiness At Last Giveaway Reminder

Last Updated on 05/04/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


Hello Friends, Happy Easter once more, I want to remind us about the ongoing giveaway of Happiness At Last.

I will like you to maximize this opportunity and get hold of a copy of this book. To see what others have said about the book, click here. It’s Amazon reviews is gradually gaining momentum too.

All rules for the competition are outlined in the original giveaway post.

I want you to get Happiness At Last.


Happy Easter Friends

Last Updated on 05/04/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

Happy Easter to you all. Easter season is one of those times of the year where every Christian rejoice in remembrance of the resurrection of Christ.

Most of us who in one way or the other fulfilled their Lenten duties would be hopeful that God grant their Easter requests. I posted previously about Lenten duties, however some of those acts can be incorporated in our routine Christian lifestyle. We all ought have to be Christlike, isn’t it what Christianity is all about?

I hope you are having a fantastic Easter celebration? Mine is going really well😄 I went to church and having Easter feast with close friends.

I want us to pray specially for people struggling in their marital homes and those having difficulty in conceiving. I humbly pray that the ressurrected Lord grant their heart desires, may he give them the peace that the world can not give and sheild their home 🙏🏼

Papal message for Easter today addresses the need to end Syrian carnage while Archbishop of Canterbury emphasises on the relevance of hope.

Are you ready for an Easter joke?

Jesus was asked why he stayed longer to resurrect. “To find Judas”, he answered.

Do have a beautiful Easter season. May the risen Christ bless and meet all your needs🙏🏼

Donating life

Last Updated on 23/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


Hello Friends, I hope you are doing well? Let talk about health. I will be sharing with you today my encounter with SN-OD’s. Do you wonder what that is? No worries, I thought same the very first time I heard it. It is simply specialist nurses-organ donation. Their role is to support potential families of a patient donating organ(s) throughout the entire processes of organ donation.

So, I had to look after Patient X who was critically ill and was attached to invasive ventilator. She was confirmed dead awaiting organ donation but requires full care right from the beginning of my shift. Observations were done hourly as usual and nasogastric feed was ran through.

Normally, once such patients are identified, referral to the SNOD is done. Death is confirmed based on neurological criteria, brain stem testing and confirmation of  cardiac death.

The specialist nurse nicely partitioned Miss X’s hairs, knotted it with ribbon and gently cut it off . She got her hand-prints too as keepsake for families. It was so lovely to watch and I can imagine the look on the faces of her relatives when they receive their precious keepsakes. It was a beautiful experience.

In line with the plan for the day, this specialist team was with me off and on. They took more than 20 samples of blood. They would come and brief me about the status of X’s various organs and if they have found a compatible recipient which I found very interesting. At a point, kidneys and liver has gotten the all clear pending the heart.


They liaised with the team from the other hospital where there is someone awaiting an organ transplant. Apparently, that patient was in theatre while X was prepared and taken to the theatre for Harvest.

At the theatre, I handed over and watched carefully and observed the initial processes of organ retrieval from X. I didn’t stay till the last minute though as I have to go back to my ward. Duty calls.

Finally, Organ donation is the highest gift man can give to another. Miss X was able to give life to others which made me more aware of how amazing people can truly be to others even to the point of death.

I would recommend that many of us register as donor to enable us give this incredible gift of life to other people; who are very desperate to live while we no longer need them.

More detailed information about organ donation can be found here. For similar health related posts, please click here.

Do you have concerns? I will like to know your views.

Disclaimer: This cannot be substituted for a medical advice.

Sunshine Blogger Award

Last Updated on 20/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


My sincere gratitude to Divinity for nominating me for the sunshine blogger award on 22nd Feb. 2018. She has a great blog where she shares amazing contents that aims at inspiring and motivating people. Do check her blog out.

Rules of Sunshine Blogger Award:

  1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the award and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Question and Answers:

  1. What things are you most grateful for in your life?

There are lots of things to be grateful for. To sum it up, I thank God for sparing my life.

  1. What is the story behind your blog’s name?

I have stories to tell, words to send across. So, Viviensvoice is simply my unique views on various topics.

  1. What food could you not live without?

Maybe, Rice.

  1. How has blogging changed your life?

It has exposed me to the virtual world. It has enabled reach out and connect with people of different continents. I wouldn’t have been able to do that physically. I have acquired more knowledge too.

  1. What are 3 random facts about yourself?

I pray more than you think, I can go days weeks without TV, I can pen down just anything.

  1. What do you hope to accomplish in 2018?

I already published my first novel Happiness At Last, I intend to start my next project before the year runs out.

  1. What do you do for writer’s block?

I normally write down ideas. So, when I’m stuck with one I take a break and go back to it, If still stagnant I change subject. There is always a draft to work on.

  1. What is your favorite place that you’ve visited?

Northampton, it’s so peaceful over there.

  1. How did you meet your best friend?

At work.

  1. Do you consider yourself a creative person?

I try. I think I’m a work in progress.

  1. Do you believe there is someone out there for everyone?

Yes. Definitely.

My Nominations:

  • Jennymarie4
  • Charlie
  • Philip Ruskins
  • Shape Fitness Trainer
  • Elganspo
  • Sandevictor
  • Sha
  • Sandsoftime10
  • JGomez
  • Annie
  • Ckennedyhola

I will like you all to answer same questions I have answered. I await to read your posts.

Lastly, many thanks Divinity for this brilliant opportunity. I appreciate.

Happiness At Last Giveaway

Last Updated on 02/04/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

Hello Friends, I am excited to announce to  you that I will be running my first giveaway on this blog. I am grateful for the amount of support I have received since the release of ‘Happiness At Last‘.

Rules of the Giveaway:

  • To be eligible,  you must be subscribed to my blog (i.e. following and receiving emails).
  • Not yet subscribed to my blog? Not a problem. Please go to my home page and subscribe.
  • Leave a comment in the comment section.
  • A point based system will be used to pick winners.
  • Automatically, you will get 10 points for subscribing (everyone must subscribe to be eligible)
  • You will receive another 5 points for sharing the contest on your own blog or Facebook or Twitter.
  • Closing date for contest is May 5th 2018.
  • Winners will be contacted to provide their shipping address.
  • Winners will be publicized.


  • Winners will receive a signed copy of my book.
  • 5 books are available for this contest.

I hope Happiness At Last brings you true happiness, I can only hope.

Do have fun participating in this giveaway.

Thank you.

Happy Mothers Day

Last Updated on 31/03/2019 by Vivien Ayinotu


It’s Mothering Sunday again. Each year is so special. I am grateful to God for His love and mercies. For me, mother is synonymous to women. I can tell you that women are one of the most powerful creatures I have come across or have read about😄

On that note, my post today is applicable to all women. According to studies, women are more prone to stress yet they cope better with stress when compared with men.

Happy Mothering Sunday to you. You are amazing, I mean each and every single mother out there. Your work might not be appreciated that much but you’ve got to give yourself a big pat on the back because you are irreplaceable. The work we do in our various homes are overwhelming and underrated.

Well done to all mothers out there, the world 🌍 won’t be the same without you. I got a flower 💐 from the church today😄

May God continue to supply you with all the love, knowledge, patience and all that you need to build your home.

Happy Mothering Sunday to you.

I will leave with the song below.

My Mother by Ann Taylor (1782-1866)

Who sat and watched my infant head

When sleeping on my cradle bed,

And tears of sweet affection shed?

My Mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry,

Who gazed upon my heavy eye,

And wept for fear that I should die?

My Mother.

Who taught my infant lips to pray

And love God’s holy book and day,

And walk in wisdom’s pleasant way?

My Mother.

And can I ever cease to be

Affectionate and kind to thee,

Who was so very kind to me,

My Mother?

Ah, no! the thought I cannot bear,

And if God please my life to spare

I hope I shall reward they care,

My Mother.

When thou art feeble, old and grey,

My healthy arm shall be thy stay,

And I will soothe thy pains away,

My Mother.

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” Princess Diana

Lots of Love,


Liebster Award

Last Updated on 07/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

My sincere gratitude to Guyorbloke for this nomination on the 18th of Feb. for the Liebster award.  Most nominations are to recognize and compliment a fellow bloggers work. Guyorbloke is a very talented guy with lots of potentials. He has many amazing concepts in his blog and mainly encourage other bloggers. Do have a look at his page.

Rules for Accepting the Liebster Award:

  •  Acknowledge the blogger who nominated your blog.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Nominate 11 other new bloggers to encourage them.
  • Ask them 11 questions
  • Let them know you have nominated them.

Questions and Answers.

1] Who was your best teacher at school and why?

Aunty Ifeoma. She saw the potentials in me and continually encouraged me both academically and spiritually. Bless her.

2] Which are your three favourite movies? Sleepless in Seattle, Kush Kush Hota Hai, Serendipity.

3] What is your best blog post to date? Please link.

I would say ‘Woman I met in the bus’ because it was among the first stories I blogged about.

4] Of the 11 questions here, which is the worst for you and why?

5] If you had to be one of these three cartoon characters which one would you be and why? Goofy, Pluto, Roger Rabbit?

What is that?

6] Do you ever talk to yourself, and if so what do you say?

Yes, I do soliloquize. It could be anything depending on the situation.

7] Of these three sounds, which one describes you the best and why? Ping, Ting, Bong!

Maybe ping. Not sure.

8] Boots or sandals?


9] Which one of these dwarfs are you? Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey, Sleepy – but more importantly WHY?

No clue what that is.

11] What was the answer to question 10?

My Nominees:



Rida Yumn Ahmed



Kelly Mackay




Whip Traveler

King Taylor.

The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2018

The winning blog wins a prize. Each blog gets one entry. To enter you must:

Link to this blog post in your Liebster Award blog post

Create more questions for your nominees to answer (I’m looking for unique and creative ones)

Entries start 1st Jan 2018 and ends on 25th Dec 2018. The winner will be picked on the 31st of December.

My sincere thanks to Guyorbloke. Thank you for reading.

Lent Duties

Last Updated on 05/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


Lent is an important season in the life of any practising catholic. It’s time we mainly fast, pray and give alms. This period of the year is important to me as it arms me with the spiritual strength I need to survive the entire year.

There are  forty days in lent.  The Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Most catholics would try to go to church for the distribution of the ashes. Normally, I partake in the ash as the priest do distribute ashes Wednesday and Sunday. This time, I hoped for the same but it didn’t happen as I worked on Wednesday and there was no sign of the ash on Sunday.

Different articles have it that pastors in other churches distribute ashes in public places which is not a good norm. Ashes should be distributed only in the church as its significance be held in high esteem.

The lent period enables one to reflect on Christ’s sorrowful mystery and ask for God’s grace. More so, we are encouraged to forfeit something that we normally like during the Lenten season. It could be the smallest of things like: watching TV, eating chocolates among other things we can think of.

This period requires that  we eat less food as it boosts our spiritual life by not trying to satisfy all our needs. I have read severally that fasting and abstinence make the heart grow fonder. Isaiah 58 will give you a typical idea of the kind of fast that pleases God.

Of importance are the works of mercy. They enable us to live as Christ would want us to. There are spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Spiritual works involves: conversion of sinners, instructing the ignorant, counselling of the doubtful, comforting of the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving injuries, and praying for the dead. Similarly, corporal works of mercy are: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, harboring the stranger, visiting the sick, ministering the prisoners and burying the dead.

I have been behind this year in my Lenten attitude, so I have decided to buckle up now. I have observed the praying bit but not just on top on my other Lenten duties. I know it’s not too late. However, I do not think I am the only culprit. What about you?

More effort to you, if you are on the top of your Lenten duties but for those lagging behind like me, we can do it. Let do it.

I hope by reading this post we are made more aware of numerous ways we can keep ourselves accountable during this lenten season. Come Easter. May the lent season fill you with God’s love and graces.


I understand that I might have readers who are not Christians and would therefore found this post irrelevant. Thanks for your time.

Order My Book

Last Updated on 03/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

Happiness At Last is available at:


Barnes and Noble


New Beacon Books in London N4



This novel, by a talented young author, is an important contribution to inter-cultural literature. Set in Nigeria and the UK, it is written in a style that reflects both cultures. It is the story of a relationship and marriage between young people from Nigeria who come to the UK. Most of the book is set in Nigeria and gives the reader a rich picture of ordinary life for young people and their families. Vivien Ayinotu has much to offer to readers in different parts of the world.
Richard Zipfel
The novel rotates around tortuous life experiences of a group of a group of school friends, focused, ambitious and vibrant, from their school days through their working class years and intricate social relationships that culminate in the marriage of the novels hero with his childhood female counterpart. The moral lessen of the novel is that patience fidelity and genuine love are the tonics to happiness in numerous life undertakings. This novel is therefore recommended to arm every youth with those experiences that culminate in success and happiness.
Prof. Vincent Okeke


“Happiness at Last” is the first book by young Nigerian writer Vivien Ayinotu.  It is a charming short story about friendship and the first steps that the characters take on leaving the security of home life. Their doubts concerning work, love and marriage are clearly and gently described. One also learns something about Nigerian traditions. An enjoyable read.

Peter Perring


Please grab a a copy of my book and leave a review. Thank you.