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Expect Nothing from Others

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In my recent conversation with a few friends, I have realised that most times the problem is not always the issue. Our mindset goes long way to impact our actions and their various outcomes.

Let’s say you expect nothing from someone and they give you some money or gift items, you’d appreciate them but if you already believe they ought to give you certain amount of things and at a given time, I suppose the perception won’t be same.

I know it can be a difficult habit to break but I can tell from my experience that’s it is much better when you expect nothing from anyone and appreciate all that comes your way.

We are all faced with different challenges and have no clue what the other person is going through. Let be supportive of another and show appreciation. Besides, it’s even much better and rewarding to give than to receive, the scripture supports that too.

To sum it up, unbiased mindset is a great tool for longevity and a stress free lifestyle. Live and let live.

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