Liebster Award

Last Updated on 07/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

My sincere gratitude to Guyorbloke for this nomination on the 18th of Feb. for the Liebster award.  Most nominations are to recognize and compliment a fellow bloggers work. Guyorbloke is a very talented guy with lots of potentials. He has many amazing concepts in his blog and mainly encourage other bloggers. Do have a look at his page.

Rules for Accepting the Liebster Award:

  •  Acknowledge the blogger who nominated your blog.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Nominate 11 other new bloggers to encourage them.
  • Ask them 11 questions
  • Let them know you have nominated them.

Questions and Answers.

1] Who was your best teacher at school and why?

Aunty Ifeoma. She saw the potentials in me and continually encouraged me both academically and spiritually. Bless her.

2] Which are your three favourite movies? Sleepless in Seattle, Kush Kush Hota Hai, Serendipity.

3] What is your best blog post to date? Please link.

I would say ‘Woman I met in the bus’ because it was among the first stories I blogged about.

4] Of the 11 questions here, which is the worst for you and why?

5] If you had to be one of these three cartoon characters which one would you be and why? Goofy, Pluto, Roger Rabbit?

What is that?

6] Do you ever talk to yourself, and if so what do you say?

Yes, I do soliloquize. It could be anything depending on the situation.

7] Of these three sounds, which one describes you the best and why? Ping, Ting, Bong!

Maybe ping. Not sure.

8] Boots or sandals?


9] Which one of these dwarfs are you? Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey, Sleepy – but more importantly WHY?

No clue what that is.

11] What was the answer to question 10?

My Nominees:



Rida Yumn Ahmed



Kelly Mackay




Whip Traveler

King Taylor.

The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2018

The winning blog wins a prize. Each blog gets one entry. To enter you must:

Link to this blog post in your Liebster Award blog post

Create more questions for your nominees to answer (I’m looking for unique and creative ones)

Entries start 1st Jan 2018 and ends on 25th Dec 2018. The winner will be picked on the 31st of December.

My sincere thanks to Guyorbloke. Thank you for reading.

Lent Duties

Last Updated on 05/03/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


Lent is an important season in the life of any practising catholic. It’s time we mainly fast, pray and give alms. This period of the year is important to me as it arms me with the spiritual strength I need to survive the entire year.

There are  forty days in lent.  The Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Most catholics would try to go to church for the distribution of the ashes. Normally, I partake in the ash as the priest do distribute ashes Wednesday and Sunday. This time, I hoped for the same but it didn’t happen as I worked on Wednesday and there was no sign of the ash on Sunday.

Different articles have it that pastors in other churches distribute ashes in public places which is not a good norm. Ashes should be distributed only in the church as its significance be held in high esteem.

The lent period enables one to reflect on Christ’s sorrowful mystery and ask for God’s grace. More so, we are encouraged to forfeit something that we normally like during the Lenten season. It could be the smallest of things like: watching TV, eating chocolates among other things we can think of.

This period requires that  we eat less food as it boosts our spiritual life by not trying to satisfy all our needs. I have read severally that fasting and abstinence make the heart grow fonder. Isaiah 58 will give you a typical idea of the kind of fast that pleases God.

Of importance are the works of mercy. They enable us to live as Christ would want us to. There are spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Spiritual works involves: conversion of sinners, instructing the ignorant, counselling of the doubtful, comforting of the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving injuries, and praying for the dead. Similarly, corporal works of mercy are: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, harboring the stranger, visiting the sick, ministering the prisoners and burying the dead.

I have been behind this year in my Lenten attitude, so I have decided to buckle up now. I have observed the praying bit but not just on top on my other Lenten duties. I know it’s not too late. However, I do not think I am the only culprit. What about you?

More effort to you, if you are on the top of your Lenten duties but for those lagging behind like me, we can do it. Let do it.

I hope by reading this post we are made more aware of numerous ways we can keep ourselves accountable during this lenten season. Come Easter. May the lent season fill you with God’s love and graces.


I understand that I might have readers who are not Christians and would therefore found this post irrelevant. Thanks for your time.