Believe in Yourself


Most times when it feels like  I need a loading dose of motivation, I remind myself of the saying  ” when the going gets tough the tough get going.

My purpose for this post is to encourage someone who truly has motives for potential goals; summon the courage, simply get started and you will see the rest fall into place.

I have been multitasking and juggling a lot in the past couple of days and that in a positive reminded me that one can achieve literally anything they set their mind on.

I do like challenges, especially the ones that bring out the best in me.

If you have plans and seem to be struggling with them, do not be so hard on yourself. It is perfectly normal. All you need to do is to clear your head and stick to the plan, do not give in to setbacks or unnecessary procrastination.

Do not wake up with a vision or dream for a better you and let it die, that thought happened for a reason. You can do it. Have you imagined that better version of you?

All you need to do is to take that first giant step and the rest will fall into place like a puzzle. Do ask for help and opinions; if need be. However, beware of people who give misleading advice.

I see the human brain as a computer; garbage in garbage out. Only when you push yourself you get a result. No action results to nothing. At times we encapsulate our talents; knowingly or unknowingly.

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My Writing Journey

Last Updated on 20/08/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

I have been waiting to fill you all in on my journey to the publication of HAPPINESS AT LAST. If you are an already established author, my great moves might not be surprise to you.

I want to use this opportunity to tell you my story. My fellow beginners will find it very beneficial too. Right from high school, I have known I love literature despite being in Science class. I love to read novels, enjoyed history classes. At a point, I recalled having a great score in History for that school term and my teacher approached me to make sure I still wanted to carry on with my science courses.

I love to write and love essays and good grammar. However, I must admit, my love for grammar has not enriched my vocabulary yet. I’m a work in progress still😄

It happened that when I grab books to read, it’s either I think the writer needed to add a twist to the story or cut off some irrelevant lines. At times, I would want the story to end differently as has been written by the author. Gradually, I harbored the idea of writing in my head. In the year 2014, I came across an aunt who is is same profession as me – nursing– and have written two poem collections, I simply said to my self I can do it.

Within the next two years I began writing. I realised that I kind of know the story but didn’t know how to start, then I decided I need to go back to my favorite novels but this time I approached them differently to understand their writing style. I have fondly enjoyed the works of Danielle Steel, own and have read lots of them. I currently follow her on Amazon to know her new releases. Kudos to this woman that’s writes endlessly.

It happened that in 2015 I browsed about publishing and fortunately, Authorhouse publishers picked me up and wouldn’t stop ringing me. I said to myself maybe that was the push I needed.

I paid for a publishing package even before  I had a good draft of my first chapters. For me, knowing I have paid means a book somehow is on its way.

I wrote, then stopped as life, work and everything got busier. I would write once in a month or three months. I kept receiving call and emails from the Publishers. I had poems collections which they wanted me to publish first but I kind of thought I should go with my novel first as I can easily opt for buying a novel when compared to purchasing a poetry book. A sneak view of my poem which I previously posted can  be seen here.

I began blogging to experiment my writing. Then came 2017 when I had said to myself this book has to be completed. The truth is, at that time each time when I want to write I struggled to connect with the story. I had a fresh idea for new storylines.

Then, I began seeking opinion for my manuscript and at last was able to conclude the story.

I sent off my manuscript to the Publishers by May 2017 and it took me months to correct and amend covers to my satisfaction. I eventually got published on 8th of February 2018.

That was huge for me. I still can’t believe I managed to publish a book. Huge thanks to my darling husband for his continued support and for sparing time to go through my tons of drafts. I am very grateful to God.

It’s fulfilling to know there are readers out there that have copies of my book in their palms or on their shelves.

I will talk more about book promotion in a different post. I’ve only come to know that’s the main work in the book 📚 writing industry.

Do you have a copy of HAPPINESS AT LAST? It’s available here.

Thanks to you all. Thank you for reading. Thanks for your time here. You are the reason I want to write more and God-willingly, will write more.

If I can do it, anybody can.

See Who’s On Display

Last Updated on 09/06/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu

This is one of those times I can’t help but share with you all how overjoyed I feel.

I was overwhelmed few days ago to see my book “Happiness At last” next to the works of some great African Writers. Mere looking at that copy sitting next to theirs made me realise we can all dream big.

As though that wasn’t enough, the shop keeper had also put up a copy on display.

I’m doing my best to see this work of mine gets the publicity it can get so, I appreciate even the tiniest of acts.

Happiness At Last is available online via popular online stores like Amazon, Authorhouse, Barnes and Nobles etc and available in bookstores in London and Nigeria. More details can be seen here.

Over the next few weeks, I will be posting about my writing journey. Do look out for it.

On a different note, I hope your weekend goes well.

See you on the next post.

Control That Anger

Last Updated on 04/08/2018 by Vivien Ayinotu


My message for you today is DO NOT allow yourself to be angered unnecessarily. Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance or hostility. Friends, please do control your temperament. I know most of us might think it’s that easy, I must tell you it’s easier said than done but it is definitely achievable.

Do not be angered and feel you must react straight away, instead take a deep breath and look at the situation differently. There are lots of myths about anger and how you must vent, which is not true. There are ways of managing anger.

We are humans and definitely, someone would hurt or provoke us but that shouldn’t be the reason to act irresponsibly. Do not forget that anger and stress trigger certain health conditions.

There are lots of terrible stories that surround us, whether it’s our neighbours, relations or colleagues who have taken a drastic action as a result of being provoked, which they later regretted.

I had an ugly encounter the other day. It happened that a young man had an argument with his girlfriend, he hit her and she fainted. He panicked and hung himself. Minutes later the girlfriend woke up, saw him hanging helplessly and rang the ambulance.

There is so much to that story. I feel so sad and hurt that this actually happened. So many questions ran through my mind:

Why hit someone over something you can talk about?

Hitting your loved one to the point of leaving them unconscious? Seriously?

Why commit suicide when you think you’ve accidentally killed a person?

Was he that caring or an emotional person to actually want to take his own life realizing the consequences of his action?

Anger Management 


Similarly, there are biblical verses that preach about anger control. I found a link that comprises of biblical passages on how why we all can overcome anger.

One of them says: Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil – Psalm 37. 9.  Others can be seen here.
Unfortunately, sad events occur due to anger but we all should be abreast with effective ways of controlling our temper.
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